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10 Nutritious Foods For Kids

Posted by abdurrazaq Jumat, 16 September 2011 0 komentar
Every day a child needs nutritious food to build up his body. The Following is 10 nutritious food for kids, so they become healthy and strong :

  1. Milk. Protein and calcium in dairy products provide fuel for the brain and body. Protein helps build brain tissue, while milk's calcium keeps kids' bones and teeth strong.
  2. Whole Grain Bread and Cereal. Breads can be used to make a variety of different sandwiches or can be toasted to make a filling breakfast. Kids Health encourages the inclusion of whole wheat breads to ensure that children get enough fiber in their diet.
  3. Tofu. Tofu contain plenty of protein. as the substance of a body builder and can prevent cancer cells growing in the body
  4. Blueberries. Have a good taste and easy presentation and Its Contain antioxidants that can prevent disease.
  5. Tomatoes. They're loaded with lycopene ( a substance that protects against many cancers)
  6. Yogurt. Super Kids Nutrition suggests that yogurt is a top food for children because it has calcium and protein, which are needed for strong bodies and healthy bones.
  7. Lean Meat. Lean meat is a good source of protein, says Kids Health. Protein is necessary for a healthy body and there are many options to encourage children to consume enough protein. Lean chicken, turkey, or fish are all good choices.
  8. Egg. Eggs offer protein, and they're one of the few foods that naturally contain vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium. Eating protein at breakfast helps kids feel satisfied longer (no mid-morning hunger pangs).
  9. Avocado. Avocado is full of monounsaturated fats, the “good” fats that kids actually need in their diet every day. In fact, it’s recommended that 25 to 35% of kid’s calories come from fats, primarily the unsaturated one
  10. Mango . One cup of this sweet tropical fruit provides almost a whole day’s supply of Vitamin C which helps keep kids’ immune systems running strong and keeps teeth and gums healthy. It also provides 3 grams of fiber for just around 100 calories.  

10 Tips To healthy Eating

Posted by abdurrazaq Kamis, 15 September 2011 0 komentar
food is one of the causes of human health. good food will generate energy and vitamins that are useful to the body. and otherwise bad food will cause a bad impact on human health.These 10 tips can help you follow that advice while still enjoying the foods you eat.

  1. Eat Halal food And If you are a Muslim then, do not forget to read Basmallah when it will start eating.
  2.  Eating nutritious foods rich in nutrients such as from fruit, milk, vegetables, meat, nuts etc.
  3.  Still keep the weight . The weight that's right for you depends on many factors including your sex, height, age and heredity. Excess body fat increases your chances for high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, some types of cancer and other illnesses.
  4. Eat with a portion that is not excessive.
  5. Eat regularly.
  6. Fed with a balanced composition of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins etc.
  7.  Eat food that you taste.
  8. Know your diet pitfalls.
  9. Avoid fast food.
  10.  Avoid foods that are not good for you. eg for some people they are allergic to seafood and so on
 this some of our tips may be useful for the reader.

10 tips to treat acne problems

Posted by abdurrazaq 0 komentar
Acne is a problem experienced by many teenagers. and the cause is also varied. therefore I will write about how to overcome them:

  1.  Always keep the face clean, diligently wash face with soap that matches your skin PH
  2.  Often eat fruits and vegetables. vegetables and fruits contain vitamin E, which can smooth the skin of your face
  3.  Diligent drinking water. Nearly 70% of our skin consists of water, with drinking water at least 2 liters a day, then our skin will always fit and healthy.
  4. Avoid oily cosmetics, Avoid oily cosmetics because if he met with the dust it will cause bacteria
  5. Wash your face before bed. so the skin will be clean before you sleep
  6. Ablution also includes a powerful therapy to reduce acne.
  7. Adequate sleep and regular. skin also needs adequate rest, so there is time to remove toxins in the skin with its own
  8. Note the hot weather. because of dirt and bacteria that cause acne widely spread this season.
  9. Use a skin moisturizer.
  10. If you've done 9 tips above but has not been successful. time to consult a dermatologist